
The Livestock industry, like many others, is heavily reliant on Producers and Agents adhering to all different levels of Compliance. We list below the different areas of compliance that Vendors must adhere to, prior to offering their Cattle for sale in a Saleyard.

  • ARE YOUR STOCK FIT TO LOAD – If you have some stock that you wish to sell, and you are concerned about their health status, pick up the phone and give us a call. Remember, a carrier can refuse to load any stock that he/she feels is unfit to load, or that will suffer unnecessary stress or mortality during their trip. Most Producers are very mindful of this, but it’s worth reminding Producers that this responsibility rests solely with you, because we as Agents have little choice in these matters once stock that were ‘unfit to load’, have arrived at the Saleyard.
  • PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CODE – All people wishing to buy and sell livestock must have a Property Identification Code or PIC. If you DO NOT have a valid accredited PIC number, then you CANNOT buy or sell any stock. Livestock Buyers receive the morning of the sale a Sale Catalogue – this document will highlight to them if your PIC is not current or valid. This means that these Buyers WILL NOT bid on your stock – so it is in your interests to ensure your PIC is kept valid and accredited under the guidelines in place by the Livestock Production Assurance Program. All holders of a PIC number will have to keep their PIC accredited, by performing a short learning module and a quick quiz, once every three years. The status of your PIC is checked by us as your Agent (every time you sell), and by the Saleyard Computer Compliance Programs – so there is no avoiding this – Make sure your PIC is current and valid.
  • NATIONAL VENDOR DECLARATIONS – All Vendors must complete and sign a National Vendor Declaration to facilitate the sale of Livestock, and it must be the most current version of the document. Producers must answer each and every question (especially Questions 6 and 7), on the Declaration and sign it appropriately. Producers must send two copies of this document with the Carrier when the stock are collected for transit. Industry standards dictate that we as Agents cannot amend these documents for you, and we cannot offer stock for sale without the appropriate National Vendor Declaration.
  • NATIONAL LIVESTOCK IDENTIFIERS – NLIS DEVICES – All Cattle leaving a property and being transported anywhere, but especially to a Saleyard for sale, must have an NLIS device placed in the offside (right ear). Cattle arriving without this device, come under scrutiny by the Local Lands Service, who audit the sale yarding each week, and can and will issue fines to Producers who regularly offer Cattle for sale without identifiers in place. So, save yourself the possible angst, and make sure all your Cattle are appropriately tagged before leaving your property.

Of course, if you have any questions in regard to Compliance Issues, give us call.